3월 3일
A Would you care for some coffee?
B Oh! thank you for offering. I don't drink coffee after 6 pm. It keeps me awake all night.
A oh I have decaf.
B I'll just have some chamomile tea instead.
3월 4일
A What are you having? That smells so good.
B Oh~ This is a instant coffee mix.
A Really? I've never heard of them. What are they?
B They are coffee, sugar and creamer in a pocket. It might be a little too sweet for you. But it's worth a try. (한번 시도해볼만 하지)
3월 7일
A Hello there? What can i do for you?
B Can i get a large iced americano with one extra shot?
A Do you need room for cream? (크림 올려드릴까요)
B No thank you.
3월 8일
A I'd like a large latter with extra form please.
B Ok. for here or to go? (마시고 갈래요 아니면 가서 마실래요?)
A For here, but I'd like my coffee in a take out cup please.
B Sure, Can I have your name?
3월 10일
A Hey! What are you doig here?
B Do I know you? Oh~ James. It's you. I'm sorry I didn't recognized you.(몰라봐서 미안해)
A No worry. It's not surprised. It's been a long time since we last met you know.
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